0 Main St


±15.56 acres on Main St. in Hesperia, CA. Property is zoned Commercial on the front ± 0.78 acres and Medium Density Residential on the remaining portion of the property. Property falls within the Main St/Interstate 15 District of the “Main Street and Freeway Corridor Specific Plan” of the City of Hesperia. The Main Street/Interstate-15 District is the most prominent district in the Specific Plan area. It takes advantage of the intersection of the two important corridors in the City, namely Main Street and Interstate-15, and the associated regional freeway accessibility and visibility. This district is
intended to be a mixed-use district emphasizing large-scale regional commercial and service uses that are designed to serve the region as a whole, as well as residential uses in a range of densities. This district is also intended to capture employment-generating uses along Highway 395. Having minimal offsite improvements needed, and a large footprint, this property is extremely efficient to develop and can be a lucrative investment the right buyer!

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